Veda, all I can say to you is: OUCH!.  You have claws sharper than my
cat after manicure day!!  I understand that we all have our own opinions.
But OUCH.  It would do you good, to try and "temper" a bit of mercy with
your justice there girl.  Not everyone that asks for a fee for the fuzzy -
is going to "use it to go purchase another animal".  Generally speaking,
some folks DO believe that if you pay for an animal - then you have an
investment.  People are more inclined to treat "investments" very well.
That is a theory I understand.  But yours?  Holy Pickles!  And your
comment about "paying for someone else's mistakes"?  Where the hell did
THAT come from?  Are you like TRYING to get people flaming at you?
Those "mistakes", as you so righteously called them, are ferrets.  Not
'mistakes'.  And I believe that owner's being SMART and RESPONSIBLE,
for coming to a group like ours, when they could just as easily have
"dumped" their fuzzies" on the side of the road, in a shelter, at the
animal rescues, etc., rather than go this route.  Gosh I hope the
person w/the fuzzies doesn't read your post.  That'd push even the best
intentioned 'owner-surrender' into a frenzy.

Then you comment that you want the cage too - so that "they can't
purchase another animal" to put into it later.  Who ARE you?  You cannot
dictate whether or not a person should/should not have another pet,
simply because the position that they are in at this moment, doesn't
suit YOUR standards.  Especially when you don't even KNOW what their
situation is.  If you don't know what the person's situation is, and
WHY they are surrendering or "selling" their ferrets - then you have
NO right to deem them "unfit' for owning pets later, down the line.
Take a step back and take a hard look at the situation BEFORE you pass
judgement on others.

Now in fairness to you, I loved the idea of the vet - and meeting there,
showing you care, etc.  That is a superb idea!!!  I readily applaud you
for that one, seriously.  It DOES show absolute good intention, on your
part.  But then you make a comment about adopting from a local shelter
and stating that "at least you know the money is going for a good
reason", kinda takes the wind right outta your sails there.  How do you
know what they are going to do with the money and what makes you think
that they money the owner gets, ISN'T going for a good reason?  Like
maybe old vet bills for the care of the ferrets?  Or maybe food for
other animals?  Or maybe food for themselve?

Try to be a little less harsh on people.  You never know when YOU'LL be
put into a position where YOU may have to sell, surrender, adopt out,
whatever YOUR fuzzies.

Again - anything stated above here is simply CONJECTURE AND OPINION, AND
BUNNY, OR THE TOOTHFAIRY.  Smile.  Your on Candid Camera.....!!!  :-)

[Posted in FML issue 5261]