Just an FYI about 8years ago I bought a ticket for Delta to fly from Indy
to WEst Palm Beach.  I then got a confirmation number for my 2 ferrets to
fly in the cabin with me.

When I went to the ticket counter to get me ticket I was asked what kind
of animal I was carrying.  I said my ferrets.  The woman told me that I
was NOT allowed to carry ferrets on board.  They were rodents.  I kindly
explianed that ONE I had a confirmation number for my 2 FERRETS to travel

She kindly said Yes they are, See right here No snakes, mice, guinea
pigs, ferrets, hamsters or other rodents.

Anyways my father took the ferrets back home and made a special cage for
them to go on Delta Dash from Indy to WPB.

The whole reason they were with me in the first place was b/c I was
running from Hurricane Ivan.

I ended up picking them up one month latter during Hurricane Irene in Ft.
Lauderdale......Oh well :)  They were the last flight into Ft. Laderdale
too :)

Also I was told when I made my reservation that only 2 animals period
were allowed in the cabin at any one time soooooo....

I guess they didn't allow them and then did allow them and now they do

I wonder if this has something to do with all the plubicity that one
guy got for killing his ferret inthe airport a few years ago??

[Posted in FML issue 5285]