In the late 1990s my two ferrets contracted ECE and were very weak.  We
also had a neighbor whose cat chose that particular time to infest my
home with fleas!  Due to their reduced state, it was not possible to
treat them with any chemicals (found in all shampoos and flea products).

We used a flea comb to remove all possible fleas several times a day.
When I saw even ONE, I removed it.  Once removed, they were killed by
dipping the comb in alchohol and washed down the sink.  We also continued
the B12 and ferret drops, but no blood transfusion was needed.  Both
ferrets survived and lived another two years.

Let me encourage you because I know it is a heavy battle, lots of time
and energy.  I am counting on this little guy to pull through, knowing
now that he is loved.  You are a miracle worker, TL, and if anyone can
help him, you can.  Hang in there!

renee :)
[Posted in FML issue 5285]