On Monday, Renee and Dr. McNicholas arrived at the Ferret Aid Society.
In all the pandemonium, Dr. McNicholas remembered to bring me my
favorite crisps (potato chips) from the UK along with some lovely
liquors and beer :)

Renee made me some grits that I fell in love with in Atlanta and a
wonderful breakfast!!!!  However, in the process, she burned the butter,
setting off my smoke detector and alerting my alarm company.  It was a
crazy morning!

Then the MaFF girls came by on Tuesday.  We stuffed goodie bags (WOW,
they work at lightening speed!!!)

Tuesday night, RJ, one of the shelter's ferrets, escaped from his foster
home.  Dr. McNicholas, Renee, Olympia and her hubby came to help look for
him.  We inspected every garbage bin, nook and cranny but he was nowhere
to be found.  We searched for him until 4 in the morning but he eluded
us.  By 10 the following morning he was turned into animal control and on
his way safely back in to his foster mom's clutches.

All in all, it's been a busy time before the conference!!!

Miss Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society

Join us for the IFC Ferret Aid 2006 Conference!
Book early, almost sold out!!
[Posted in FML issue 5281]