Oh gee..  it's been a real bad afternoon.  I got a call from a woman
who had a ferret given to her.  This little girl had been abandoned in
a house and was eaten up with fleas.  The woman tried pedialyte and stage
2 chicken but finally called us after 3 days.  By the time I got to her,
30 minutes later, to sub-Q her it was too late.  She was a beautiful
panda sable mitt - age - under 8months was all the woman could tell me.
Pray that I find these people and can get mto admit they abandoned her.
If I can I will try to have them prosecuted on cruelty and neglect

THEN, a young lady that I adopted a pair to 3 years ago called.  Her
little girl Bubbles was sick last week and off to the vet.  She called
me at 1AM wanting to know what to do when Bubbles started coughing.  The
vet put her on Amoxy and at first she was getting better.  Then she got
worse.  Bubbles spent last night in the hospital and the diagnosis is
Pulmonary edema.

SO --- who knows what about this.  I've not had to deal with it before.
Any idea what the survivial rate is.  The vet gave her 50/50 and meds
I've not heard of - sounds a bit like flourosude - something.

Any info and experience would be appreciated.  I'm trying to keep several
people's spirit up so I hope to hear something good, but if not I'd like
to at least be prepared.


Vicki Montgomery
Tricks and Treats Rescue Greater Houston/Galveston Texas
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"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man
will not himself find peace." ~ Dr. Albert Schweitzer
[Posted in FML issue 5280]