HI Friends Blossom here,

I am growing to be a BIG girl yessirree!  We have some good , good, good
news today.  Hmm how's that Jerimiah?  "Okay Blossom so lets get to the
news what do you think?"

Well, we gots some news from Dr Sandra about our Hop A Long kid "Ted"
and she says, All is well here.  It looks like Ted is behaving so well
that I might be able to recheck his films without sedation -- so I am
hoping to do that 1 week from today........and only sedate him if the
bones are misaligned again and need more work.  He is eating kibble
better - I am starting to sneak some healthy stuff in, too (he hasn't yet
been fooled, though)...........but is at least eating well enough to be
self-sustaining now.  Maybe by next week I can enlarge his cage some!  "

Hooey!  Great news there I think, and then Lucky has come through his
surgery really fine!!!!!  Mom talked to hospice Mom Judy this mornin' she
has his recovery cage all clean & set up.  Dr George found out the poor
ol' Lucky had a ruptured spleen a LONG time ago- likely before the police
rescue which brought him to Ferret Wise.  He had adhesions all inside him
that Dr George removed best he could.  This Am Lucky was eating turkey
babyfood in anticipation of being held and coddled by hospice Mom Judy.
See!!!  and Shelter Mom has ben able to keep Biscuits skin problem under
control using some good ol' fashioned natural stuff.  The tests fungal
culture & scratch tests have not been reported but Mom used Nolvasan
scrub and calendula gel every day and the bright red swollen tummy is
looking better & better.  Good job Mom, that ought to hold her until Dr
Winnie gets back next week.!

The Tech is coming up tomorrow on Sat AM to give the melatonin's to
Nestle & elder kids, and I am looking forward to meeting the volunteers
who come for workday... so WHO is coming to meet me?  Huh?  I here there
is a lots of noise about making a nice cage for the ferrets from the
flood.  I bet they have a neat story to tell.  Mom will fill us in later
i 'spect!

And then there is some kind of buzzing about lots of folks coming in
tomorrow to work at the shelter..  Well I hope they don't mess things
up we all have a system here.  Jerimiah, what do we do if the messes
things up?

"Blossom my girl you just ask those boys Austin 'specially, he will tell
and show you how tro get revenge on a clean up.  I 'spect he will climb
the fireplace and toss stuff over for you all to drag around.  You can re
arrange anyway you want if they mess things up.  And look for th cheerio
box that is always fun to play with!"

Our shelter Mom has some stuffs on ebay to help with the luprons,
melationins and for Blossoms sake lets NOT forget some n - bones okay mom?

FRAMED FERRET TILE 4 Ferret Wise  ENDS: Jun-18-06 15:04:00 PDT

COLLECTIBLE FERRET TEE sz XL 4 Ferret Wise  ENDS:  Jun-18-06 18:03:00 PDT

RARE JERIMIAH MUG 4 Ferret Wise  ENDS:   Jun-19-06 10:21:36 PDT

Ferret DESIGN TEE XXL 4 Hop A Long Ferret Wise ENDS: Jun-20-06 11:24:40
PDT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7249261406

Ferret Design TEE LARGE 4 Hop A Long Ferret Wise ENDS: Jun-20-06 11:40:14
PDT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7249265450

RARE FerretStock MUg 4 Ferret Wise  ENDS:  Jun-22-06 07:10:44 PDT
and there is LOTS more to!!!

YOu can see everything in the store by going
to:  http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZcreativekolorQQhtZ-1

NOw on to the Saturday THINGY-- I hope you are coming to see JUST how
pretty I am since Momma took me to the vets and got my medicine.  I feel
wonderful and I sure am a doll!  I also was told by my hero Jerimiah that
I should beg for goodies & treats when folks come over- so PLEEEZE ,
Pretty Please???

Sweet licks ,
Blossom Ferret Wise,  shelter spokesferret
[Posted in FML issue 5276]