Rebbecca asked about why people became "ferret" people.

I can only speak for myself.  As children, we had not only cats and dogs
as pets.  but many other critters, snakes,frogs, turtles, as well as
hamsters, rats ect.  We were taught to care for our animals.  And if we
mistreated ANY animal , we were in serious trouble.  I learned to respect
animals at a early age.

I came to love ferrets about 20 or so years ago.  When I got my first
sprite.  I have had a business ever sence.  I have 4 at this time, But
have had as many as 13 at one time.

I have 4 cats, 4 dogs, and several finches.  Now.  I would be lost with
out my critters.  Sure cannot invision life with out them..
[Posted in FML issue 5274]