From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>

Vet care and medication were paid for by the rescue as well.  The rescue
is now no longer providing the food and litter for the foster ferrets,
an expense the foster family would have to pay for.

I foster several ferrets here in Kansas City, MO and it has always been
the policy here that I provide everything but the large vet bills (which
the rescue takes care of...but I don't think I would ask them to unless
I absolutely needed to)  If I couldn't afford the food and litter, and
basic vet care, I wouldn't foster in the first place.  It's kindof my
way of giving a donation, I guess.  Hope this helps, and I hope you are
able to foster!  What a wonderful experience! :)

Stacey and the fuzzy bunch
[Posted in FML issue 5274]