The Evo is really tastie , as my boy was on it and he seemed to like it
better than Marshalls.  But my guy has IBD and is now on feline food, as
he can't eat chicken, turkey, or any grains or some fruits.  Does anyone
know something you could mix with cultured yogurt to make it taste better
for a ferret.  We tried nutri-cal and pineapple juice and ensure doesn't
seem to help.  He used to lick regular yogurt untl it gave him
diahrea.Please, please some suggeations.Vet thinks it will help him.  We
also have him on B12 and pumpkin to help withhis stools.  He is now down
to 3 meds.Grinding has sub-sided, pathologist report not back yet.

LOL and Dooks,
Beck and Pooh
[Posted in FML issue 5261]