My monitor died 2 weeks ago and I haven't been able to send this till

I want to send many thanks from the bottom of my heart to Wolfy Stout,
Danee DeVore, Julie Fossa and Jean Caputo-Lee for taking time out on
their holiday weekend to allay the fears of a fellow FMLer.

I had a wonderful little visitor over the Memorial Day weekend.  Long
story short: I was doing pet food demo in local Petco and people came in
having a problem with their baby ferret and buying a new one.  They sent
them to me since they know I do rescue.  They had found a litter of three
"wild baby Ferrets" two weeks earlier.  The gave 2 away and kept one.
Their daughter was most upset because she couldn't play with it.  Seems
it screamed, bit viciously and sprayed them.  Well, I told them there
were no "wild" ferrets here and guessed from the description it was a
baby mink.

They brought it for me to see and sure enough; a little mink.  Then they
refused to take it home so guess who got stuck with it?!

I was scared silly to take it home fearing ADV passed to my ferrets.  But
I couldn't not take it as they were going to set it free and it was too
young to fend for itself.  Rehabber was out of pocket till Tuesday PM.  I
decided she could stay on the screened porch and never enter the house
till I could get her to rehab.

These wonderful ladies really helped me take great care of my little wild
friend and gave me good advice based on their experiences and knowledge
of transmission of disease and even some experiences with mink.  What a
fabulous wealth of knowledge we all have in this forum.  And to have
people who don't even know you take time on their holiday weekend to help
you out- WOW!  I have always enjoyed access to this list, but now I know
what a true treasure it is.

It's amazing to feel a sense of true, deep friendship with people whom
you've never met.  But I know now it is only an e-mail away.  The FML
folks are the BEST ever!!!!!

Thanks so very much,
Bailey and the Dallas Weezababies

PS- (OT) one of the remaining two baby minks was turned in to the Ferret
Lover's Club of Texas shelter.  It was sent to a woman who has a
"Teaching Zoo".  I knew this woman and helped educate her daughter before
she got her first ferret; but had not seen her in 5 years.  After barely
missing her several times at Dr. Murray's vet office, I ran right into
her 2 days after I turned my baby mink over to rehab.  We played catchup
for a few minutes and when I asked who she brought to the doctor- it was
another one of the baby minks.  She took him to the same rehabber and the
two knew each other at once.  They will be released onto a huge lake with
many acres of wetland on the Texas-Louisiana state line when they are old

The remaining baby mink was taken to another vet in the area who gave it
it's shots.  The people still plan to keep it with their ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 5272]