Hello Deo
Sorry,have not had chance to see your pictures yet.  Our hoomin was out
all day and had little hoomin baby so did not get to use computer.  She
will let me look at your pictures tomorrow.  I bet your real cute in the
pirate carrier.  I love playing in carriers.  But Titus usually takes
them over and pushes me out.  We have a big new one to travel to model
in.  Hoomin is going to set it up and let us play in it next week.  It
is nice our modeling cloths can be used to help other ferrets.  We don't
need them anyway cause our hoomins makes lots for us.  They always take
good care of us and there are a lot of ferrets out there that do not
have special hoomins.  We gots good hoomins.

Titus can be that way sometimes.  I really prefer the sensitive ones.  I
am a bit of a boss at times and need a patient friend.  I try not to do
this cause hoomins says other ferrets, and hoomins do not like it.  She
says it is part of being a Path Valley girl.  What ever that is.

Don't worry about me finding you in the Camouflage hoodie.  I have a real
good sence of smell and will find you even in the dark.  I am so good at
smelling.  I can tell if a hoomin is afraid of me and then I bit them and
if they are not I still give them a nip just to let them know I am boss.
I' do not bite hard any more cause my hoomin taught me deaf ferret
signing and I am very smart.  I know how to be a lady.

Oh hoomin call the den we are staying at for the modeling thing.  She did
an upgrady thing so we will have room for two playpens.  WIll be just
like our den at home.  They are going to put a cold box in our den so our
hoomin can bring our duck soup.  MMMMMMMMMMMm oohh boy we sure love that
stuff.  Would have been very sad if we did not have our soup.  So will be
happy to share some with you for breakfast and night snack.

Hoomin coming to shut of puter.  Getting real sited to meet you.

Your friend
[Posted in FML issue 5271]