Okay, I have a one year old lab that has decided that her mission in life
is to destroy whatever toys she is given.  She has a large ball from
Planet dog that she hasn't destroyed and a large tire biter tire that
hasn't been demolished (chunks of tire are missing, but general form of
tire still exists).  You don't dare give her a cheap tennis ball, cuz
she can demolish it in 20 seconds or less.  She had a bone from west paw
design that took her almost a week to start destroying, but I sent it
back for a replacement and the replacement lasted only a couple of days.
Any virtually indestructible toy is very easily destructible, pretty
much.  She had a goofy shaped toy from I think Booda, was missing huge
chunks after 20 minutes.  a regular red Kong, large size lasted 5
minutes.  A humongous turkey leg from nylabone lasted awhile, but rapidly
lost bits.  And her and the 5 year old lab argued over it quite a bit.
A bone shaped toy from tire biter lasted only a few minutes.  At $10-$20
for each attempt at a virtually indestructible toy, I can't afford to
keep buying them when they last for less than a day.  Does anyone have
any suggestions??  I need a second or third job to pay for all this dogs
toys.  Are there non dog toy items that she could chew and not destroy so
easily?  Anything?  Anyone else have tennis balls that have been scalped?

Anyone want to contribute to the "Carley's chew toy fund"?  Just kidding.
There is no such thing.  And if you have money to donate, please help out
Ferrets Unlimited Ferret Shelter.  I am bummed I wasn't able to make the
Max & Erma's fundraiser on account of being in the middle of a move.

Thanks so much....
and Carley "no toy is even close to virtually indestructible" the 1 year
old Chocolate lab.
[Posted in FML issue 5260]