
I don't usually do this but it's raining ferrets here and the shelter is
beginning to overflow.  So I thought that I would fill you in on some of
the kids (know that we have many more) in hopes that folks in this area
may decide to add to their "business".

I also want to thank Shelley, who visited us from Florida, for her great
help on a Sunday when I really needed it, and for the wonderful box of
toys, blankets, supplies, and bunches of other good stuff.  Sharon,
another of our volunteers, has made big fluffy sleep sacks out of the
beautiful blankets and the kids are enjoying these especially.

Our current census includes:

The Box Boys - two big sable boys, probably 1-2 years old, found in a
box beside an entrance ramp to I-70 where a truck nearly did them in.
The box was sealed with tape so they hadn't escaped, hadn't been there
very long, no fleas or dehydration.  A young man stopped because he
thought the box might have electronics in it.  Imagine his surprise!

The pair with White Toes - picked up in a drug raid, along with some
LARGE snakes, taken to a local shelter that called us.  One is silver,
the other sable-like with little white toes, again, probably not very

Search and Destroy - so named by a kid who apparently thought it would
be cool to have biting "bad" ferrets.  I think he must have poked at them
a lot because they like to jump at your fingers and grab.  They haven't
bitten us for quite a while but we handle them carefully.  They were 8
months old when they came in, now about a year.

Limi Winks and Monster - 2 yr.  and 1 yr.  old, girls, Siamese.  Limi
was found and Monster was apparently returned to the store where this
young woman worked.  She's fallen on hard times and can't care for them.

Feck and Beaker (where do people get these names?  Beyond me.) - Feck is
an elderly albino male who was lethargic and having nasty stool problems
when he came in, now appears to be in good health, on pred.  Beaker is a
little cinnamon girl whose leg was broken sometime in the past,
apparently by a dog.  She had adrenal surgery this week, Dr. K. cryo'ed
her right, removed the left, and also took out an insulinoma.  She's
cheerful and doing well.

Cochese (?) and Lakota - 8 months and 1 1/2 years.  The lady who brought
them said, "The white one bites." They are both sable.  I still haven't
figured out which one she was talking about as neither have laid a tooth
on us.

And we have many more, some with interesting stories and some just left
with us for little reason.  Most are 1-4 years old but we have a number
of elders available for foster (no adoption fee and we maintain
responsibility for major vet costs with our fosters).  There is an
application form, a fee ($60-70/singe ferret, $90-100 for a bonded pair),
and a contract.

The form is available on our web site, www.ferrethotline.com, but the
pictures there are out of date.  Or just call me: 816-842-3707.  If you
already have ferrets I would like to meet them as they will certainly
want to have something to say about who else comes home.

Thanks for taking the time to read about our kids.

Bobbi McC.
KC Ferret Hotline and Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 5269]