Early morning at the Rainbow Bridge was such a beautiful   place to be; the su
n had risen and it painted the sky with beautiful streaks of   pink, golden yell
ow, blue, and lavender. The birds were singing; happy to be   starting a new day
, the flowers having given up the last of their dew to the   sun, and animals ev
erywhere were beginning to stir.   Muldoone awoke and he began to stretch and ya
wn, and yawn, and yawn, and yawn   some more. "I no wants to get up" he grumbled
to himself "but iffins I not gets   up Nanna be in here yanking my hammy. Dat N
anna, I would wike to yank her hammy   sometime."

 Climbing out of his hammy and making his way to the   "necessary" corner,  Mul
ly then set about trying to tame his hammy-head-hair and   get his cap on,  "Gee
zums, I wooze dis battle 'gain" and after heaving a sigh of   resignation, out t
he door he went making his way to the Bridge to greet the   newcomer that was du
e to arrive.

 Taking his time getting to the Bridge, Muldoone enjoyed   drinking in the sigh
ts of his surroundings.  Ferts of all sizes and colors   playing.  Ferts wrestli
ng, ferts bathing one another, ferts doing things ferts   like to do; run, play,
and have fun.  The delicate colors of the sunrise were   burning away to reveal
a crystal blue sky.  Flowers of every color one could   imagine and others that
the human eye had never seen were at the Rainbow Bridge,   flowers that seemed
to be in competition with one another to be the most   beautiful or the most fra
grant.  Flowers were not exactly a guy-ferrety thing   but Mully had to admit hi
s favorite were the Fox Gloves and he marveled at the   shades of pink and purpl
es they burst forth wearing.

 Arriving at the Bridge to find Nanna and the rest of the Welcoming Crew there
 waiting for him, Muldoone, Nanna, Bailey, Freckles,   Dude, Libby, and NellieF
erret all joined paws forming a perfect circle of   love.  The group of ferrets
closed their eyes and concentrated on the ferret   making his way to the Bridge.
 In the hearts of the group, they were sending   their love for the little ferr
et being brought by MoonBeam Molly, the magical   unicorn who brought ferrets to
the Rainbow Bridge after they had passed.  The   group of ferrets were not only
helping to light the way for the one coming but   also they were sending prayer
s of love for the humans who had loved the fuzzy; a   precious little life cut s
hort, leaving behind  a broken-hearted ferret mom and   dad.

 In the center of the circle stood a tall and handsome   sable ferret named Sod
a.  With both an expression of pain and a perfect   expression of love on his fa
ce, he closed his eyes and began to sing.    SodaFerret sang a song of love to t
he ferret who was making his way to the   Bridge.  His voice was deep and rich,
every note sang perfectly, every word   wrapped in love for the one coming.  The
Ferret Promise Song now filled the air   with its bittersweet refrain.  The mel
ody of love told the story of hope and   promise and also of sorrow and loss all
tied together in the cycle of life.  The   song explained pain fading away, of
limbs being made strong again, and eyes once   more bright, it told of the sorro
w of passing and the joy waiting in the   Promise.  As Soda sang the sad sweet s
ong, he had tears rolling down his furry   cheeks.  The song he sang was also a
song of love for the humans whose hearts   had been broke by the passing of the
one that was making his way
to the   Bridge.

 Arriving at the Bridge and not being sure   exactly where he was, Mojo looked
across and saw a group of ferrets at the other   end.  He not only wondered wher
e he was and how he had gotten there but who were   the ferrets there waiting; l
ast thing he remembered was being at the vet.

 Slowly and cautiously Mojo began to make his way across   the time worn timber
s that made up the Rainbow Bridge.  Without knowing why or   understanding it, h
e felt drawn to continue on his way to the other side.
 Mully stepped forward to greet the new arrival.   "Welcomes to da Wainbow Bwid
ge Mojo, I be Mr. Muldoone, officialist Bwidge   Gweeter." Muldoone leaned forwa
rd offering his nose to the new arrival in a   friendly greeting.
 "Hello Mojo" Nanna told the new arrival, "my name is Nanna   and I have come t
o welcome you to the Rainbow Bridge" and gesturing to the small   group of ferre
ts, Nanna introduced each one to him.  "There is nothing to be   afraid of" Nann
a told him, "you have touched the horizon with your heart, your   journey is now
at an end, and you are home."

 The little male ferret seemed confused and   afraid, not sure of where he was
or why he was suddenly there.  Where was his   mom?  He had been at the ferret d
octor just a little bit ago.  After a bit the   newcomer found his voice and ask
ed "Where be my mom?  I no tink I appose to be   here" Mojo told Muldoone.
 "Well kid it be wike dis, you bees sick and yur mom takes   you to see da dock
-tor and dey say it time for you to comes here" Muldoone   explained to him.
 "I not feels sick, I feels gud so can you sends me back?    My mom be worried
if I be gone too long" Mojo explained.

 "Sworry Mojo, I no can dooes dat, you bees here wiff me   now till yur mom com
e to gets you" Mully told him, "you will sees yur mom 'gain,   I pwomise."

 SodaFerret stepped forward to introduce himself.  "Welcomes to da Wainbow   Bw
idge, my name be SodaFewet.  "Mojo, I help you get settles and shows you wound
here at da Bwidge.  It not bees a bad pwace here, we all bees here waitin   for
our familees to come for us and yur familee comes for you someday too."
 At the end of his first day at the Rainbow Bridge, Mojo went to sleep that   n
ight dreaming about his mom and remembering her promise to him that he would   n
ever be forgotten and he was a very much loved little ferret.

Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.

[Posted in FML issue 5267]