I just want to say that Susan and Sue have done a marvelous job with this
mutant coccidia.

Many years have passed since one this bad cropped up, but every once in
a while a strain shows up which has massive simultaneous blooms.  Many
years ago people were not as good at the needed quarantines for weeks of
the affected shelters and households.  The result was that once a strain
spread somewhat widely so a number of ferrets were bleeding to death
during the blooms.

This time things are going right; these shelters and their vets are
really on top of making sure that they stay closed for a while after
symptoms disappear, doing a lot of cleaning, and watching to see if
re-infection happens.

I love it when people do things so right; it saves so many ferrets.
Although it is obviously terrible that the ferrets and shelter people
are having to suffer through all this they have been doing the right
things to prevent an epizooic and that deserves praise.

-- Sukie (not a vet, and not speaking for any of the below in my
private posts)
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[Posted in FML issue 5267]