Denise's Delightful Dookers Ferret Rescue in Auburn, Washington is in
NEED of help in paying a vet bill.  Due to overwhelming health issues
of recent surrendered ferrets the vet and our finances have had quite a
work out.

Right now the shelter has 45 ferts, 1 volunteer/4hrs/one day a week, 1
volunteer/1 hr/one day a week and myself taking care of all this precious
cargo (my hubby helps as much as he can).  I do all the paper work,
computer entries, and whatever else needs to be done.  I am up at 0'dark
thirty in the morning to make sure the ferts have running time before I
go to work.  In the evenings, I have people coming over to buy cages,
wanting to adopt a ferret(s), needing help, lots of phone calls.  I hold
Educational Adoptathons at several Petco stores in the area 3 Saturdays a
month and this has been a blessing because precious families have adopted
ferrets.  I am also learning how to do my web site....but when do I have
time?  (My house is suffering a daughter and hubby
have to most of the cleaning and lawn mowing...yeaaa)

I work as a church secretary 32 hours a week, have a teenager at home and
a husband with congestive heart failure and is also an amputee and
doesn't work or drive.  My hubby feels the same way I do, that if we
weren't doing the rescue/shelter these some of these little guys would
not have a safe place to stay until they're adopted and uneducated humans
would not have the opportunity to LEARN about taking care of ferrets.....
that's why I am doing this.  I am learning FAST that I can't pay for
everything and have been out beating the bushes for donations.  (My
friend said that I have to realize this is not a pride issue and start
asking for funds--and this is very hard for me to do).  I am not a
non-profit, yet, but am under the Support Our Shelters umbrella if people
need tax receipts.

My vet is Dr. Walls, Dr. Reed @ Covington Veterinary Hospital
27045-174th Place SE, Covington, WA 98042 253-631-8616.  My Client ID #
is 9277, under the name Denise Cummings (Denise's Delightful Dookers).

When you donate, please send the $$ to Covington Vet Hospital (not to me)
and use my client ID # so they get it put in the right account.  I really
appreciate any help and thank you so much in advance.

[FML has been such an encouragement....yes I read it all the time...
but just haven't written in it but a couple of times...I enjoy Muldoone
because it encourages my heart that people care that much for the
dookers.  I lost Gypsy Lee who was 7 years old to cancer three weeks
ago ..she was a small motherly cinnamon that irritated the heck out
of some of her cage mates, and yet when she was having trouble, they
"squished" her in so she was protected.  I lost Farley Girl (4years old)
to cancer this last Saturday....she was a loner and a very, very shy
sweetheart that loved to be hugged and kissed and returned kisses all
the time....and she didn't ferret walk...she if to say, I'm
beautiful and she was.] It doesn't matter if the dookers are my personal
ones or the shelters...they are very much loved and cried over....
sometimes I wish tears didn't come so easily....oh well.

God Bless!!        e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
Shelter Address:  1810 K St. SE, Auburn, WA  98002
Shelter phone 253-797-9115
         Fax 253-735-9324
[Posted in FML issue 5267]