Miss Leah you are sooooo funny!  I am imagining all those hoomins that
are coming to the show without their funny clothes on, they look so
silly!  I think so many of them need to go to the Vet, so many of them
look Adrenal, the fur loss is so weird it makes me laugh!  I think I will
be okay on the stage looking at all the Adrenal hoomins!  I like the
furry ones too, don't tell anyone but my daddy used to have some fur on
his chest and I loved to lick it.  Now he doesn't have that fur and I
don't lick him as much, I miss the fur.

Mommy tried to take some pictures of me today but I was real smart and
took the treats and ran.  I am saving them all for you!  I am looking
forward to seeing you, I will let mommy take my picture tomorrow.  She
said she will put the picture on the 'puter so you can see me.  That way
when you go to the show you can find me in the crowd.  Then we can have
all the treats and find a nice corner to poop in.  Mommy said that Auntie
Jenny and Aunt Candace are going to be watching us and helping us get
dressed for the show.  They are real pushovers so I am sure we'll get
extra play.  Aunt Jenny gave me lots of kisses and belly rubs when she
came to my house to visit.  You'll like her!

Oh do you like pink?  I picked out a beautiful pink coat for you to wear.
dragged it under the dresser until the show.  This way my sister can't
touch it.  I hope you like it, it's meant for a real lady like you.

Many licks,

Please join us for the IFC Ferret Aid 2006 Conference
June 23-25 in Toronto, Canada

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[Posted in FML issue 5266]