I have permission to post this from you young club/shelter member as just
a reminder to keep your new kid quarantined for a month before
introducing him/her to the rest of the herd.

If his Mom would have let him adopt from the shelter he would not have
had this problem as when we take them in they get tested and shots
updated and are in quarantine for a month before they are ready to join
the rest or be adopted

Welcome to my two new boys Bert and Ernie who are here as fosters, well,
maybe not.


I probably won't be able to help at the shelter or come to meetings for
a long while.  We got a new ferret Monday.  at petland.  I wanted to get
one from the shelter but my mom wanted to get one at Petland.  She is two
months old and her name is Chloe.  Well, (this is just like Petland and
Marshall farms), she had had ECE, and she had gotten over it but was
still carrying it.

That evening, Sammy just wasn't himself, later i found he had thrown up
bile.  I couldn't tell what it was (and we had vet appt. the next day)
so i gave him some pepto and isolated him.  I figured it was an ulcer.
Next day, Dr. Finkler said he was severely dehydrated and he wanted to
hospitalize him.  That night, Harley had green diarrhea.  By this time
we knew sammy had ECE, so I knew Harley had it too.

Harley was just hospitalized this morning.  He was doing a little better,
and Sammy was too, so they both got sent home today.  Harley still won't
eat so i am force feeding him, but Sammy is eating and drinking a little.
And of course, Chloe fidgeted so much when she got her ADV test, so the
test screwed up twice.  So she might have ADV, and i don't know, and
won't know till her shots next month.  So I shouldn't come to the
meetings or shelters for about a year...and i probably won't be able
to go Octoberfest.  I'll try to send pics and keep you guys posted.  I
love just am SO overjoyed.  I am BURSTING with excitement.

Until then, adios and dooks from the weasels.

[Posted in FML issue 5266]