Dear FML,
I wanted to tell you all how grateful I am for all your letters and
well wishes.  I am even more thankful to those who shared with me the
motivation they found in my post to test their ferrets and the measures
taken to help protect shelters as well.  In the time that has passed
since Neelix's death, we've had an absolute ocean of information to
sort through.

One of the most important things I have learned is how valuable this
community is.  It made me feel better to recieve words of sympathy and
encouragement, sure... But more importantly I found the soliace of
education.  People who live with this disease in their home reached out
to me with their words of wisdom to educate me.  People who did not
realize what ADV could mean to their lives, wrote to me to tell me they
took steps to learn and educate themselves and their friends.  I know
that by my email count, over 100 ferrets are undergoing testing for the
ADV antibodies.  How amazing is this?  Its flooring to me.

My family has learned that cleaning comes to a whole new level... We use
Madacide in our home now.  Parvocide on clothing and shoes and carpet.  I
now take every precaution possible to keep those around us healthy.  One
thing we do NOT do... we are not going to shut ourselves off from this
community.  I learned that many people do.  I think this is a travesty.
I find it a shame that there are those who feel that I and my family
SHOULD be shut out... There aren't many who I think see things like this,
but I recieved one letter asking me to consider not attending meetings,
shows, or forums in which I could make contact with ferrets or even
ferret owners.

To those who have held fast in your support, I am thankful.  I don't feel
that I lost my child in vain anymore.  I think Neelix is probably very
proud at the movement that he stirred.  To those who are quietly living
with this disease in your home... Please stand up and share YOUR story.
Share what YOU are doing to protect your friends and ferrets everywhere.
Although I don't hope for a large number of people to live through this,
I hope that those who do take the responsibility that has been given to
them and use it for the betterment of this community.

I have learned how long the days are when you are waiting for the results
on your babies blood work.  3 weeks and counting... I will soon know if
I live in a true ADV household... at least for now.  Another test will
be issued of course no matter what.

Thank you all for your love and support.  That's really what I wanted to
say in this.  I want you to all be proud to know that you inspired me to
become proactive.

I'm here for you all if you ever need me.

Thank you again.
Meredith Van Sickle
[Posted in FML issue 5260]