Hello Everyone!

We have had such excitment this past week/weekend!  We came home from
staying w/ Grandma Susie for a week.  She got us to all double in our
weights and got us all up to the weight range that we are to be at.  All
of us arrived home w/ our eyes open!  We are now 35 days old (5 weeks to
be exact)

Grandma Susie shared w/ Grandma Darcy recipes and how she did things.
She also shared her routine w/ her as well.

We continue to gain weight and we are now reaching or at the 300 gram
mark.  We are feisty and LOVE to play w/ each other as well as our human
family.  We haven't been biting that much and when we do, we do get our
training from them.  Our human siblings love to play w/ us so we look
forward to our playtime every afternoon w/ them.  After every feeding
time we get social/cuddle time with Grandma and Grandpa.  We also get
this time in between.

We have established our litter pan training so happy to say that we use
that now.  It sure keeps our cage clean.  Grandma has begun showing us
the water bottle and we have been using it frequently so soon we will
be getting more water then cream in our food.  Grandma has also begun
introducing hard kibble.  She chops it up to make it smaller for us to
eat and we sure love it.  We continue to get the mush as well as replacer
every 6 hours.  We are slowly losing interest in the mush as well as the
replacer so Grandma is feeding us every 6 hours now and if we get hungry
before that time, we go for the mush or hard kibble.  Grandma hopes to
have us completely weaned off mush and replacer by the time we turn 6
weeks on Saturday.

Grandma is looking for a playpen for us so we can have some play time
outside of our cage.  She has bought several balls for us and a stuffed
animal.  We want to play w/ them!

It's been an exciting adventure for us as well as our human family and
we look forward to sharing more excitment in the weeks to come.  Until
then, Grandma will post the weights by email instead of the website
because she is having trouble with Mircosoft Frontpage.  SIGH!
Pictures will soon come weekly.

Until then,

Sierra's Angels

This week has been successful.  We are now 42 days old (6 weeks exactly)
We have been slowly showing less interest in the milk replacer.  Grandma
had a "goal" for us and by Sat, we would be off the milk replacer as
well as mush.  Mush will be on hand in case any one of us should drop
in weight.  So far, we continue to go uphill not downhill.

We have been eating the hard kibble over the mush now and have
successfully use the water bottle.  We all use the litter pan w/ no
problems at all.

Grandma & Grandpa along w/ our human children have been playing w/ us.
We are now working on our social and happy to say that we are very
playful and we do not bite hard.  There are a few of us who do test and
bite harder then should.  We do get a scolding for that but have been
slowly learning what is acceptable behavior and what is not acceptable.
We love to play w/ our human children, they are so much fun!

June 2nd, Grandma tried something new.  She cooked a cornish hen until
the meat fell off the bones and introduced the chicken to the babies.
Boy!  was that delicious!  We all got a little sniff from something that
was inside our cage and we went looking for it and we all just plowed
through that.  After that, Grandma decided to get us some more.  We
plowed through that too leaving just bits of pieces on the plate.  We
are looking forward to more chicken during breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Grandma has found a playpen and it will soon arrive.  We get to get out
of the cage which should be so much fun.  Grandma has been busy looking
for some toys for us to play with.  She even has a small rubbermaid box
that is filled w/ sand & another box that is filled w/ kidney beans.
We are sure in for a huge treat!

We heard Grandma talking w/ Grandpa and soon we will have our first trip
to the vet.  We need to have our first series of shots and get a check
up.  The vet & the assistant are gonna have so much fun w/ us!

We are all doing real good and tonight Grandma will take some pictures
of all of us including those that some of you have requested specific
pictures.  Will talk to you all again in 2 weeks.

Sierra's Angels

Timberland Ferrets
Sierra - Best in Breeder & Best in Show
Feb. 06
[Posted in FML issue 5263]