If anyone feeds this cat food you may want to stock up to make a slow
switch to another kibble because Purina is discontinuing this product.

hugs to all.  tle

Oh man, sh*t sh*t sh*t.  This food, single handedly helped me buy extra
time with my oldsters.  I have no doubt about it.  Without it, they
would have been living on Gerbers Turkey baby food.  After seeing it's
benefits, I switched all of my elderly ferrets over to it, and easily so
as they just loved it.  I saw grand results in better settled tummies (no
vomiting, and eating more) and healthier feces.  As Troy Lynn said, even
if you are not aware of this food ... do know that one day it could very
well benefit your furry family.  And I mean like you could not imagine.
So, yes, I am going to write the company for whatever that is worth (or
not worth).  I need to feel like I'm at least "trying" to keep it around.
I hope others do too.

[Posted in FML issue 5263]