Fellow FMLrs,

I guess its my turn to ask for your votes.  My ferrets and I are
participating in the animal attraction.com phote contest.  Please help
me win.....But I have a twist on it.

If Milo,Otis,Taz,Boobo,Dewd, Chaka & I win we will donate our prize
money($500) in the form of shelter bucks from theferretstore.com to a
shelter very close to my heart.(Oxford Ferret Rescue).  The
ferretstore.com matches $10 for every $25 bought in shelter
bucks....sooooo that means $700 for the shelter for food and supplies.

This is no joke you have my promise that All prize money will go to the
shelter.  What a great way for us to help our local shelters!!!!!

You can vote up to 2 times a day from the same ISP.

Here is the link


Have you hugged your ferret today?
[Posted in FML issue 5262]