On March 23, my Dear Friend Bear went to the Rainbow Bridge.  He had been
sick for 2 years.  Bear had been seen by 4 vets in Minnesota, and not one
of them could really tell us what was wrong with him.  He lived on my
waterbed for 2 years with me.  Bear had to be hand feed every 6 hours for
over a year.  He was the sweetiest soul I have ever seen.He knew how to
communicate to everyone with all of your different facial expressions.
It was like you could talk like a human.  He was always full of kisses
and so loving no matter how sick he was.  Bear was only 3 years old, and
In those 3 years he showed more love then I have ever seen in my life
time.  I can't believe he is gone.  We cared for him right up till the
My Arms long to hold him, Kiss him, and love him.  I can't wait till
the day that I see him running to me and I can pick him up and hold
him forever.  Never to be parted again.  Bear you were Greg's Angel,
and he was your Angel.  Thank You so much for all your love.  You were
such a Gift To Life.... We miss you so much.
[Posted in FML issue 5258]