My ferret, Killconey, aka Killer passed in her sleep last night at the
age of 7 1/2 yrs.  I originally got Killer from Pat Music at one of my
first ferret shows.
Killer was twice a mommy with a litter of 3 and a litter of 12.  She
had pyometria and was retired from breeding at the age of 2.  We kept 2
of her kits and placed the rest.  Through the years Killer lived with
various groups of ferrets, and always she was the alpha.  One time she
had to go to the vet and was out overnight.  The next morning she went
through the cage and scruffed everyone in it to let them know she was
back and in charge again.  Killer was a biter for many years, as she
mellowed with age, the biting stopped.  She never bit me, but she liked
to go after Dan.  Her last 6 mos were spent by herself in a cage in the
living room away from the other ferrets.  She had insuloma and adrenal.
Hard to say which one took her, but she's at the bridge with her kits
she outlived, her cagemates and family ferrets.
[Posted in FML issue 5258]