HI all dis is SaraFerret.  I wants to pologize to Mommie Stephanie for de
late notice, as dis was originally sposed to be Sandee's greeting.  But I
did it instead and forgots to have Mommy put it on de FML.  I hopes you
isnt mad ats us.
So here we was wit de note waiting for Missy Vera Ferret to trot across
de Bwidge.  Waiting wit me was Serena (in her backpack--I dont think
dat kit will ever walk on her own--she's heavy) and of course Vera's
busyness-- Chance, Chaos, Roly, Noodle, and Winkwomp.  All of a sudden
de clarinet broke forth from our marvelous Samantha Ferret and Soda
Ferret singing.  Wowsie, it was a big greeting.  (Also according to her
busyness--de mousie angels were laying out a spread dat would rival
anyting wit music of course from Samantha and Soda).  Of course she
doesnt know dis yet.
Dere she comes, Miss American Ferret of 2006, and she seemed a bit in
shock as she trotted across de bwidge wondering whatever was going on.
(I finds out later dat she tought dat she had stumbled into de wrong
bridge-maybe human bridge)
I stepped forward and introduces myself, Hi I am SaraFerret, one of de
Rainbow Bridge greeters, Welcome to your new home.  Biggie tears from
poor Vera, but I wants to go back to Mommy and she was cwying when I says
goodbye.  Well Vera, dere comes a time when de BOSS feels your time on
earth is finished and dat your pains and heartaches should end and so HE
brings you to a new life here at de bwidge where dere is no pain unless
you hunt it down.  You will be able to see your human when your probation
is over.  We has a reflecting pool dat allows us to see all what is
happening wit our Mommies and Daddies.
She seemed a bit cheered by dat.  And Soda and Samantha played beautiful
music-(-de do sound nice together) in her honor.  Den she spotted her
former cagemate Chance and wowsie she was trilled and den de rest jumped
out--wowsie a family reunion here.  Everybody hugged and kissed and in
general bounced around in sheer joy.  Den I put my paw around and tells
her dat we has to go to Kit and Kaboodle to get her new wings--WINGS,
WINGS, why does I need Wings.
Well we get around de Heavens by fwying.  Oh and den she notice dat all
of us had wings even Serena with her kit-sized wings.  So off we went and
were met at de door by Auntie Mary Ferret, de director of de wings and
halo place and also director of de orphan little kits who came and had no
family.  So we were inside and we looked at wings of all colors and told
Vera to pick out her favorite colors.  Oh wowsie, such choices, you pick
for me Sara.  Well I will show you a group of dem but you gots to make
your own choices.  I found pink wit silver, a blue wit gold, a gold wit
silver and a lavender with dark black shot tru dem.  Okay Vera pick one.
It was easy to see, dis ferret girl was fashion conscious-she chose de
lavender with dark black in it and Auntie Mary Ferret fitted dem and wit
many nips and a few tucks she truned her around and Vera just glowed and
of course the halo was placed on her head by Soda, since he happens to be
de tallest ferret here.
I asks her if she wants de tour of de place and de group says Oh no Missy
SaraFerret, we wants to show her everyting.
Okay wit me I says.  Den all of dem told Vera to follow dem saying you
too SaraFerret and bwing Serena too.  And we got to de house and all was
quiet and den de door sprung open and de mousie angels squeaked SURPRISW!
and all de lights came on.  All sorts of food and tweats and music
pwaying.  Dose mousie angels sometimes outdos demselves.  I slip de
mousies a big box of cheese I had been saving for specials.  Den de
outside lights came on "PARTY" and FERRETS came from everywhere along
with various other musteys and one or two blackfooties, which was really
rare as dey dont care muchie for people.  What a party.  We danced till
dawn and as de music ended ferrets just started to fall asleep on
blankets scattered around.  I was in dat group and took Serena off my
back and laid her beside me.
What a beautiful day dat was.
[Posted in FML issue 5256]