Hi everyone,
My thanks again to all for helping me get through Zoie's lymphoma
crisis.  It's been 2 months now, and with a twice a day regimen of 30 mg
pycnogenol and 8 drops essiac extract she's back to her old self most of
the time.  Maybe the herbs are helping, maybe not, but it's sure nice to
have her healthy again after that scare.
Two months since also means it's time for a new ferret crisis.  My little
man Valentine has not been holding up well to his insulinoma the past
several days.  He was diagnosed with insulinoma 14 months ago, and in
that time has gone from barely medicated to very medicated -- 20 mg
proglycem and 40 micrograms dexamethasone twice a day.  I also supplement
with Devil's Club Supreme, although I don't have much of that left (those
rats at Gaia!).  He gets a few feedings of Gerbers chicken or turkey
every day to supplement his kibble with higher protein.
Even so, the last few days he hasn't always been making it to his next
dose without crashing.  I'd say once a day for the last three days he's
crashed an hour or two before his next dose of meds.  It's been tough
for him, since he has no idea why this is happening.  I'm currently
checking his kibble intake to make certain he IS eating kibble and that
the Gerbers hasn't been his only food intake.  I have three ferrets, so
tracking eating takes an extra effort.  I should know in a day or two if
he's still eating.
My reason for posting is to find out more about partial pancreatomies.
I've read up on the online sources that describe the procedure itself,
but now I'd like to hear some personal experiences (good and bad) from
people who've gone this route with their ferrets.  Valentine has an
ultrasound 2 months ago and nothing obvious turned up on his pancreas --
but if the meds have stopped working, something needs to be done or we'll
lose him.  This seems to be the only thing left to my knowledge.
He's got a strong will, and is otherwise pretty healthy aside from an
adrenal tumor (for which he's receiving Lupron), so I am leaning in this
direction.  However, there's no substitute for hearing first hand
accounts about how it really goes.
This insulinoma is kicking him good right now.  If I do nothing, he's
only going to get weaker.  If were going to do this, waiting is only
going to be counter-productive.
Your insights will help me make a more informed decision.  My thanks in
advance to any who can share.
[Posted in FML issue 5253]