Greetings everyone. :)
I apologize if this is long-winded, but I have a lot to say and I'm SO
The last few weeks myself and a couple of other members have been
searching high and low to find a meeting place that will allow us to
bring our fuzzies with no avail.  We have called pet stores,
humane societies (except one, which I will call in the morning), vets
offices, hotels, fire stations, convention and meeting places, etc..
No one will let us, and the *very* few that will want an exhorbant fee
(anywhere from $50-$150/hr.!)  So far our monthly meetings have been at
a library (first meeting-ferret free) and the rest have been at members'
homes.  Does anyone have any ideas at all of anywhere else that we might
could find a place?  I'm so upset that no one is offering up a
seems hopeless. :(  I don't know where else to call..
And then we have business cards and pamplets as well that I have made up
and no one is wanting to cooperate on that end either.  I called some
pet stores to ask if they would distribute business cards with each
ferret sale, only for a couple to talk very rude to me and tell me their
employees already had enough to do without having to distribute business
cards (yeah right, a bunch of teeny boppers that sit around and do
nothing).  They wouldn't even offer to just *mention* the club.  Not even
a tiny little mention.  I am disgusted with the pet stores.  And they
preach that they have the healthiest animals and already know what to
tell potential customers regarding the care of ferrets.  As if I can
barely get a flyer hung up in a pet store and they take it back down
again.  I just can't understand it at all.  I don't know how to reach
out to the ferret people out there if I can't give out business cards or
hang flyers anywhere.  Even Petsmart won't cooperate, and their known for
doing adoption/education days!  We did have one that wanted to do one,
but Louisville's laws prevent any adoptions in the the metro area (but
over in Indiana is alright).
I just don't know what to do.  It seems hopeless. :(  I'm not going to
give up, but I am fairly upset that ferrets and animals in general, are
so looked down upon.  We can't even plan any fundays or anything like
that till we have a stable meeting place..  Ugh.
If anyone has any ideas or thoughts, please do share them with me. Maybe
there's something we haven't thought of yet..
Linda M.
Derby City Dookers Ferret Club Organizer
Seiko, Nanoki, Yukina, and Sidney (the kamikaze ferts)
Sachi, Atari, Oliver, Lennox, Keoki, Ilo (ee-lo), and Kenzo (the wee
<3 You will be missed Shinjin. <3
No one in the world needs a mink coat but a mink. - Murray Banks
Animals can communicate quite well.  And they do.  And generally
speaking, they are ignored.  - Alice Walker
Hunt each other - leave the animals alone.
[Posted in FML issue 5252]