Hello Ping This is Miss Leah.  I have not heard from you in a while.
Hope all is well in your den.  I have exciting news.  I say my first
John Deere Tractor over the weekend.My hoomin took me to the window and
I watched it.  It is not one of the ones that are on farms.  But one the
cuts the green carpet outside.  It is so cool.  It cuts the carpet and
puts it in a bag on the back.I remember seeing it push snow last cold
time.  I wonder if that bag would make a neat sleep sack in all that soft
grass.  It sure would be fun to ride on the seat with you.  It is just
large enough for the both of us.  I can see myself draped over the seat,
with your paws on the wheel.  Would you like to take me for a ride over
the carpet of green grass?  Oh my!  Up and down the hill.  If I roll over
on my back I wonder what the waves of green grass going by would look
like up side down?  I love looking up side down.  Have you ever tried it?
It's real cool.  It is a little scary when one of those feathered things
go by in the air.  My hoomin takes me out on the porch.  I like my mouth
open and teeth showing when they go by.  Of course I would have your
wonderful strong ferret muscles to protect me.  My hoomin says I am a
very special girl cause I am not afraid of anything.  Please don't tell
her, but there are a few things I am afraid of.  Will share sometimes.
Oh do you like to go in the grass and snow?  My hoomin bring in the
snow just after I watch it fall out of the sky.  So cool dinging in it.
Sometimes Titus makes it into snow balls.  I just like to snorkel and
dig in it.  I really like the water in the tub pan better.  Can you
swim?  My hoomin says I am a water baby.
Oh I watched my hoomin packing two big play tubs.  She put all our
personal items in one.  Boy did I have fun tunneling in all the bedding
and toys.  Hoomins says we will have all the comforts of home.  I marked
them all so the boys will know I got them first.  Hoomin says they are
for Ferret Aid in Canada.  I told you I was going to model.  This sure
is going to be fun.  The tub had a lot of new toys and things for our
inrichment.  What ever that means.  Hoomin did not say.  She reminded me
that I met this hoomin called Bob Church at a frolic last fall.  He had
the coolest things for us to play with.  I will get to see him again
when I go.  Have you ever met him?  He smelled so good I did not even
bit him when he scruffed me to check my teeth.  Do you find that some
humans smell different?  If they smell afraid of me I bit them.  He did
not so I could trust him.  Humans sure a funny.
The other tub had these hard things with pictures of ferrets.  Hoomin
said they were pictures of ferret art for the Ferret aid art show and
auction.  Do you know what that is?  There is a pretty plate with a
ferret on it.  My hoomin says it is Gallery glass.  There are some things
made of wood.  They sure smelled good.  She uses a hot thing to make
ferrets drawings on them She will not let us out when she does this.  I
don't know why we are good with moving things.  There was a pile of
papers she called ferret art prints.  My hoomin draws with a stick and
make real neat pictures that please other hoomins.  I have two of these
she did of me.  She said it was to help raise money to help other ferrets
and ferret rescues.  We go to our rescue fundraiser to help with the vet
bills for our rescue.  That bin was no fun.  Things were too heavy and no
fun to move around or tunnel in.  She said we are going to help with the
Fashion show by modeling.  So we can help in our own way.  Are you going
to this thing in Canada?  My hoomin said Canada was a big new den for
humans to learn about ferrets.  I bet we could teach them a thing or
two.  Let me know about the tractor ride.
Your friend Leah.
[Posted in FML issue 5250]