I recently 'adopted' 2 young (maybe 1 1/2-2) ferrets from a vet tech at
my vet's office.  She had 4 ferrets, and thought that was 2 too many for
the time she had to give them, and was going to send these 2 back to the
shelter she had gotten them from.  She said she had had them for a while,
were healthy, shots current, etc.
I had gone to the vet's to have my old guy (8yrs) checked for prostate
probs or possible blockage due to stones.  He had adrenal surgery after
blocking last yr, but has not needed lupron.  Xrays and urine tests were
neg, but at his age I worry if he looks at me wrong, lol.
I lost my other ferret, Buster, a week ago - made it through the adrenal
surgery, but kept pulling his IV tube out, and well....he didn't make
it home... My 4 yr.  Old granddaughter & I buried him out under the
forsythia bush with all the other ferrets who have gone before... This
was especially hard since Buster was maybe 2-3 yrs old, and had been
rescued from a man who had kept him in a hamster cage and rarely let him
out!  After a few days of Who's the Boss, my old guy, Rikki, prevailed,
and he & Buster seemed very happy playing together for the year or so
that I had Buster.  Rikki has been moping ever since.
When my vet heard I was taking these 2 ferrets, she immed.  Told me to
keep them isolated from Rikki for at least 2 wks to prevent any chance of
ECE.  I know older ferrets, esp.  Those with adrenal or other probs, are
more susceptible, but these 2 don't appear to be sick in any way - stools
appear ok, they are eating (although she gave them kitten food mixed with
Zupreem and Ultimate 8, and I use Ferret Store generic with Zupreem &
Ultimate 8).  I've just had them 1 day, so they still seem a little shy
and 'lost', but I m keeping them in separate rooms.
My question: can ferrets be carriers of ECE and never show any symptoms?
And if by chance they do show symptoms of ECE, can they be cured and
eventually have Rikki join them??  I know there's no vaccine, and Rikki
is my very first ferret, so I'm not taking any chances - Clorox wipes,
different shirt, even different shoes between the rooms.... I'm not
sure if the vet knew something about these ferrets that I didn't, but -
anything else I should be doing?
Never had to deal with ECE before...
Jane & Rikki, and now Ruby and (still unamed as yet)
Sadly missing Sadie, BeBe, FiFi, and Buster -play happily across the
Bridge, my little angels!
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Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our friends the animals.  Especially
for the animals who are suffering; for any that are hunted or lost or
deserted or frightened or hungry; for all that must be put to death.  We
entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity and for those who deal with them,
we ask a heart of compassion and gentle hands and kindly words.  Make us,
ourselves, to be true friends to animals and so to share the blessings of
the merciful.  written by Albert Schweitzer
No trees were killed in the sending of this message.
However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
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a awesome way of saving our landfills some space..  Its free,if
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[Posted in FML issue 5250]