I am inclined to believe that stories of ferrets eating sugary foods and
what not and then living a long life are a dangerous thing.  There are
accounts of ferrets living with sugary diets; but there are many more
accounts of ferrets with insulinoma and various diseases due to too much
sugar.  There are little studies on ferrets to back it up, but I would
err on the side of caution, always.  We have much too little time with
our fuzzies as it is.  I would rather just give her NBones, Chewweasels,
or chicken baby food.  I dont pass things I am eating to my ferret...she
is usually dismissive of everything I am eating, anyhow.
People on the FML are presented with a lot of information which they can
choose to believe or disbelieve.  If you believe that a small treat will
make your ferret happy for a minute or two and that it is worth whatever
cost, however small...that is your choice.  I had a cat who ate peeled
grapes on occassion.  The fact is, it is just like being a parent.  You
have to make your own decisions regarding your ferret's health.  The
risks are real but ultimately...YOU pay the vet bills.  Unless you plan
on giving your ferret away once it gets sick... :/
My ferret weighs 1 lb 8 ounces.  If I am giving her a treat, I need to
take in account that most foods are made for human consumption.  Anything
you give your ferret, you should probably compare to a small treat (like
1/4 of an N Bone).  If you give your ferret half a fruit loop every once
in awhile (not daily) I do not think the risk is as high as one or more
fruit loops every day.  It is still not the ideal meal for a ferret, but
people can be stubborn.
You have to look at it this way: do you give your children what they want
all the time?  do you give them sugary/fatty foods as rewards?  what does
that teach them?  you could apply the same logic to a ferret.  They do
not need to be given foods to make them happy.  I try to play with my
ferret 3 times as much as i reward her.  I think she enjoys the playtime
But anyway...the decision is ultimately up to the owner.  Opinions can
only do so much.
[Posted in FML issue 5247]