SydneyFerret was asleep in her hammy when she awoke with a start.
Looking around she didn't see anything amiss, no other ferrets were
stirring about.  She immediately felt pain in her little heart and the
image of her hooman came to mind.  Leaping out of her hammy and running
over to her sister ferret Mia's hammy, Sydney discovered Mia was awake
and was softly crying.  Holding out her little furry arms to her sister
ferret, Sydney climbed up into the hammy and fell into Mia's embrace.
"Mia, it be DA mamma heart, it be bweaking again" SydneyFerret told her.
"I knos Syd, I feels it too" MiaFerret told her sister.
BabyGirl felt strange, she didn't feel like herself at all and she felt
as if she was falling and tumbling into nothingness.  At first it was a
frightening experience, not knowing what was happening or where she was
going.  She had been spending a typical day with the other ferrets;
running, playing, wrestling, and having fun.  Suddenly she felt a pain
in her neck and then everything faded away from her view.  Searching for
some sort of sure footing but finding none, she continued to tumble and
After what seemed to be a very long time BabyGirl began to feel a new
warmth of love and guidance as a beautiful song of love was being sung
just for her.  The sad sweet melody swirled all around her and she felt
the words of love cradling her.  A soft calming voice spoke to her
telling her "it is time for you to come home now BabyGirl, we are waiting
for you." The melody now filled her heart to overflowing and she no
longer feared letting go.  Thoughts were centered on those she cared
for and would miss; most of all her mom.  In her heart she whispered a
message to her: "I loves you mommy but I has to go now, I pwomise to
waits for you."
BabyGirl ferret now felt herself riding on some sort of strange beast
flying through the dark night sky.  Surprisingly she was not afraid, she
was not sure where she was going but somehow she was not afraid.  The
softest wings of delicate colors were gently enveloping her body and she
could smell the scent of jasmine, honeysuckle, and magnolias all around
her.  The little ferret felt loved, protected, and safe by the creature
she was riding on.  Speaking with her mind to her tiny passenger, Molly
reassured BabyGirl there was nothing to fear.  When BabyGirl spoke back
to the creature transporting her, she asked who and what she was and
where they were going.  MoonBeam Molly then explained to the little sable
ferret she was a magical unicorn and they were on their way to the
Rainbow Bridge.
"I hears bout DA Wainbow Bwidge" BabyGirl told Molly, "but whys we be
goin dere?" she wanted to know.
With tears streaming down the unicorn's beautiful face, Molly explained
to the little ferret, "that will be your home now."
The lights over the Bridge began to dance and swirl; colors more
beautiful than ever seen on earth now painted the sky.  The colors
blended and then changed again; shades of pink gave way to peach and
yellows then changed to a soft green that blended into a delicate blue
that gave itself over to shades of lavender.  A fine soft fairy dusting
began to swirl all around Muldoone, Nan na, and the others.
Muldoone, Nanna, Bailey, Freckles, Dude, Libby, Sydney and Mia all joined
paws forming a circle of love; Sydney and Mia having been invited to be
present for the arrival of BabyGirl ferret.  The group of ferrets closed
their eyes and concentrated on the ferret making her way to the Bridge.
In the hearts of the group, they were sending their love for the little
ferret known as BabyGirl, helping to light the way but also they were
sending prayers of love for the human ferret mom who had loved the little
sable ferret, a life cut short leaving behind a broken-hearted ferret
In the center of the circle stood SodaFerret, tall and handsome as he
began to sing the song of love to the ferret making her way to the
Bridge.  His voice was deep and rich, every note sang perfectly, every
word wrapped in love for the ferret who was coming.  The Ferret Promise
Song now filled the air with its bittersweet refrain.  The melody of love
told the story of hope and promise and also of sorrow and loss all tied
together in the cycle of life.  The song explained pain fading away, of
limbs being made strong again, and eyes once more bright, it told of the
sorrow of passing and the joy waiting in the Promise.  As Soda sang the
sad sweet song, he also sang a song of love for the human whose heart
had been broke by the passing of BabyGirl.  Soda offered his love to the
human who was hurting; tears falling like rain inside the broken he art.
Arriving at the Rainbow Bridge and after doing a perfect four-hoof
landing, MoonBeam Molly lowered herself to the ground so her tiny
passenger could climb down.  Looking off in the distance BabyGirl could
see a group of ferrets standing at the other end of the Bridge.  The
wooden timbers of the Bridge were worn smooth from time and also from the
many ferrets that had made the crossing, having left behind a world as
they knew it and coming to the Rainbow Bridge to wait to be reunited with
their humans.  Cautiously making her way across, BabyGirl noticed some of
the wooden timbers darkened with what she was sure to be tear stains and
her own eyes filled up and spilled over as she began to realize what had
happened to her.
Just as BabyGirl stepped off the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Muldoone
offered his nose to the newcomers in a friendly greeting.  "I be Misser
Muldoone, officialist Wainbow Bwidge Gweeter and wees all be here to
welcomes you.
"Hello BabyGirl" Nanna told the little sable ferret, "my name is Nanna
and I have come to welcome you to the Rainbow Bridge" and gesturing to
the small group of ferrets, Nanna introduced each one to her.  "There is
nothing to be afraid of" Nanna told the new arrival, "your journey is at
an end, you are home."
BabyGirl's eyes lit up when she saw the faces of Sydney and Mia and they
were immediately hugging and kissing, obviously overjoyed to be together
again.  "How da mamma be doin?" Sydney asked.
"Tells us" MiaFerret pleaded, "tells us all about how our mamma be doin."
Noticing the new comer carried a little backpack Muldoone couldn't help
but wonder if she had brought any goodies from home.  Nanna noticed Mully
with his eyes fixed on BabyGirl's backpack and she sent him her best
glare-stare; in other words, PAWS OFF.
The three ferrets were laughing, giggling, exchanging kisses and tickles
when Nanna, Muldoone, and the others begin to feel the reunion party
deserved some privacy.
"Mz Nanna" began MiaFerret, it bees ok to wets Syd and me shows BabyGirl
wound here at da Bwidge?"
"Oh pwease" SydneyFerret echoed, "we has wots of catches up to do.  We
wants to hear bout da mamma and how she be doin."
"I think that would be okay" Nanna told the little ferret trio.  "Mia can
you take BabyGirl to get a new hammy and help her get settled?"
"I bwings my hammy from home" BabyGirl exclaimed pulling out a lovely
piece of bedding from her backpack.  "And wook at what elsies I bwings"
BabyGirl told her friends.  "Da mamma sends my bear, tweats, and a pair
of da mamma's feet sie covers."
Handing each ferret a sock, both Sydney and Mia held it to their noses
drinking in the scent from home.  At the mention of treats, Nanna shot
Muldoone another glare-stare reminding him PAWS OFF.
The three little ferrets spent the rest of the day together getting
caught up on news from back home.  BabyGirl brought with her not only
hugs, kisses, but also a message from da mamma, "you will never be
forgotten and I will see yo u again someday."
Caring for your ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge.
[Posted in FML issue 5245]