Crocheted Afghan on Ebay for Little Noah at Ferret Corner, AZ...
ENDING Wednesday, May-17-06 at
08:16:26 a.m. PDT, 09:16:26 a.m. MDT,
10:16:26 a.m. CDT, 11:16:26 a.m. EDT
This Afghan is in 3 shades of Mint Green, and Beige and Soft White
It is approx. 4' by 5' and it is double sided...with a different pattern
on each side...
TRULY a work of art!!!
Hand-made by my [Kat Parsons] mom as a gift to me, but I really want to
raise funds for this little ferret of only 15 weeks old with a broken
leg.  [please do not worry about it being given to me by my mommy...I
have others and I can get more...besides...i really dislike Mint
By now most of you know about Little Noah...with his broken leg that
may have to be the least have extensive work done on the
leg...extimated cost...$600.00...
pics attached of the Afghan and Little Noah...
i know the FML will not get the pics...but you can go to the page to see
Let's help this little 15 week old kit have a long and wonderful
life...If he has to have his leg amputated...then let's get the $$
together for that...I have a ferret who lost his right front leg as a
kit..and you would never know he does not have I KNOW this kit
can have a long and wonderful life without his leg...
You may even consider pooling resources and getting this afghan as a
future fundraiser...just a thought. Ty Pennington's words...
LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!!
p.s..feel free to crosspost and/or send on to anyone you want to...
Fuzzy Hugs & Whiskered Kisses...from Kat the Incorrigible
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[Posted in FML issue 5244]