Whew!  I bet you are sooooo glad to be rid of me and these OT posts.
Ferret.  This will be my last one ... luck for you.
Chet stepped off the plane in CA attire.  Baggy cargo pants (no bust a
sags), a tight, black FBI shirt, a soft button down shirt with I don't
know ... some CA lingo embroidered on it, wicked sunglasses, flip flops
and of course ... the infamous "tatoo".  Oh.  yes, let's not forget the
most important thing ... the ear to ear smile.  Poor kid had lost his
wallet, all his cash travel money that he worked so hard for, and his
luggage ... and did he care?  Nah.  It was well worth it.
We treated the starving critter who traveled all day without meals to a
late McDonalds run.  All three of us and a friend of Sean's sat on the
edge of our seats with wide eyes as Chet told us about meeting everyone.
Did he talk about Disney Land?  Meerkats?  Movie stars?  The beach?
Walmart?  Nope.  Not one word.  All he went on about was Robin, Marylou,
Kathleen (the artist), Shanna, Linda, Pam, and the sisters.  I truly hope
that I didn't leave anyone out.  He was so inspired not about their
generosity firstly, but how spectacularly nice they were.  And not just
to him.  But in general.  He was lifted by the fact that the world was
indeed full of such wonderful people.  I wish I could describe the
glowing look on his face when he said that.  He was blown away at what
these people give to the world.  By their deeds and just by their
presence on this earth.  And despite the fact that some of them suffer
such great personal obstacles or health problems.  How do they do it,
he wondered.  He went on in detail about each and every one of them.
Through this community both of my boys have met awesomely contributing
and moral in this world.  They have role models and hero's in their lives
at every turn that they take.  Thanks to all of you.  And you DON'T have
to know me to have had this affect on my family.  I must really stress
that.  You might not know them.  But they certainly know most of you.
Thank you seems like such lame words right now.
[Posted in FML issue 5241]