>From:    Arlena Parrish  <[log in to unmask]>
>Scooter was given to me by the manager of the Leesburg Florida PetLand,
>in June of 2003, after I agreed to care for all of her needs.  She was
>dropped on the floor of the store, by an unsupervised child.  Her back
>was broken, just above her hind legs.  She could still move her legs,
>without being able to stand...
>To help Scooter get around the house, I constructed a homemade Ferret
>Mobility Device, better known as Scooter's Skateboard.  I used a toy
>skateboard, a plastic makeup wipe container and duct tape, in the
Hi, Arlena...I have a baby girl, Mia, that can't use her back legs...
she is eventually going to need the use of a "wheelchair"...I tried your
links, but for some reason couldn't get a picture of your scooter. :(
Could you maybe try me off the board?
Thank you very much!
Stacey, mom to a misfit bunch of 10 fuzzies in Missouri
[Posted in FML issue 5240]