The Your A Lifesaver fundraiser for SOS has been a rousing success thank
you to all of you that contributed.  But now its time for it to end.
You still have one more week to tell that special friend how much you
appreciate them.  If you would like to send a card and a Your a life
saver pin to that special person, now is the time to do it.
All it takes is a $5.00 donation to SOS. ($6.00 if you pay by Paypal)
For a $5.00 ($6.00 if you pay by Paypal) donation, a Lifesaver charm and
a special thank-you card will be mailed to the person of your choice.
You can make this an anonymous donation or request that your name be
signed to the card.
You can order by sending a check for $5.00 made out to SOS to:
Robin Jones
P.O. Box 924
Glendora, CA 91741
Or pay by _Paypal_ ( to [log in to unmask]
Please include $1.00 processing fee for all Paypal orders and note that
it is for the SOS Charm Pin.
Also include the name and address of the person you want the charm and
card to be sent to and also include if you want this to be an anonymous
gift or if you want your name signed to the card.
Cards and charms will be mailed and names placed on a special webpage.
We'll do all the work for you.
You can brighten someone's day by letting them know you are thinking of
them.  There is no limit of the number of charms you can order.  Each
charm is $5.00.  ($6.00 if you pay by Paypal)
Thank you,
The Ferret Charmer
[Posted in FML issue 5240]