Several members from MaFF, attended the F.A.C.T. Ferret Frolic on
Saturday, April 29th in Wallingford, CT.
The ride was long, but the event was well worth it.  There were a some
games for the ferrets and a nice informal ferret show with ribbons for
the winners and participants.  All the volunteers and staff from F.A.C.T.
were very gracious and made us feel very welcome.
We had great fun shopping for ferret supplies and bedding and I was
lucky enought to win a couple of Silent Auctions.  One auction was a
real battle with Connie from CT.  I won't tell you how much I ending
up spending on a $4 plastic wagon!!!!
It was great fun meeting up with Renee and Francine and it wasn't long
before we were rattling on and on about the upcoming symposium in
Food was plentiful and Yanni gave rave reviews on the macaroni salad.
Our pictures of the event will be posted on the MaFF Gallery
( in the next couple of days.
A big thank you to Jo for driving and to Yanni was working the MaFF
[Posted in FML issue 5230]