This is in respect to little Zaydee my five year old adopted ferret.  If
you have followed the posts so far you know kind of what is going on.
For those that have not followed the posts here is a summary:
Zaydee has been diagnosed with Adrenal and she has it very badly.  The
right side is more than double the size it should be and is folding over
the vena cava or main artery.  My vet suggested a specialist for such a
dangerous operation and he said the price would be around $600.  Well I
contacted that vet today with almost all of the money I thought I needed
and he gave me a new quote due to her information.  It will cost $1200
for the surgery.  I cannot come up with the rest of the money in the
time frame we have for her before action must be taken.
I have two questions:
Has anyone had a good recovery experience after adrenal surgery?
The second is has anyone had good experience with melatonin implants?
I ask the second question because the University is conducting research
on the implants and will cover most of the cost of it and when she has
completed the study they will supply her with a lifetime supply of the
medication she will need.  Financially it is a better option for me.
I just want to know what I should do for my little baby.
Jessy and Crew.
[Posted in FML issue 5238]