Dang it all to heck.  Ferret.  Robin is off her computer for a few days.
I have no idea why.  Ferret.  I wasn't there at the meerkat thing with
Shanna, and Gwen to tell you all about it.  Ferret.  Ugh.  Okay, all I
know is that they all went to the refuge I think it's called?  And spent
the day there with the director/owner.  Ferret.  They got an extended
tour of all of the facilities, and got to enter the actual exhibit.
Ferret.  They got to sit on the ground with the curious buggers dashing
in and out of their arms and laps.  Ferret.  Don't worry, they all wore
big gloves, not because they bite, but because of their sharp claws.
Ferret.  Chetters and everyone else were given hand fulls of food to
feed them.  And the little critters were eternally grateful.  Ferret.
One of the little meerkats, crawled up under Chet's armpit (eeeeeew),
and went to sleep.  Ferret.  Chet was then allowed to take off the gloves
to really and truly "touch" them.  Wow!  Ferret.  Chet said that the
animals were "absolutely breathtaking" and that it was one of the most
incredible experiences of his life.  He said he will never forget it.
Well.  Sigh.  Okay.  That's all I know about that day. ::pout::  I know
that it was the biggest day of the week and the most magical.  Ferret.
So when Robin returns maybe she can comment for all of us.  I'd really
love to hear about the day from someone who was there, besides Chet.
Ferret.  They did call me from the actual reserve, and excitedly rattled
on about what was going on.  Ferret.  Well, the next day was Saturday.
And I'm really hoping that Kathleen, the artist will talk about what
happened that day.  Ferret.  If I recall, they all declared that day,
"Tacky Tourist Day".  Ferret.  Robin and Kathleen ran around all day long
to Venice Beach, Hollywood, etc.  Ferret.  It was the most action packed
day of the week.  Ferret.  Chet got to hold hands with Cat Woman that
day.  And despite the slinky outfit and legs that went on forever, he
still whined to me on the phone, "Mom, why is that I can't find a girl
like Marylou?" I told him, that's because she is our (ferret people's)
Marylou.  Our special own.  Ferret.  Meanwhile Robin and Chet kept
sending me movies each day of Chet playing with Robin's Sugar Bear,
Tonks, and Petey TPO.  Oh yeah, and movies of a stuffed Dori looking
at me.  Ahem ... I can't imagine why.  Ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 5236]