Hello Ping.  Do I call you Ping or Ping is He?  Yes you may call me Dude.
My hoomin calls my brother Titus the biker dude.  So Dude is good.  My
hoomin said that I am more of a Dudette.  I may not be able to hear you,
but I can understand by smelling your breath, and watching your body
language.  Yes I do love to war-dance, bounce on the trampoline towel,
jump from the bed to the swing, jump into the tub and playin the water
and climb along the bench in the kitchen to get onto the shelf I do not
belong on.  HEHEHE.  I also love trash cans, ruling in the play tube,
chasing my brothers, opening and shutting the pantry door, Twirling a
ball on my belly, pooping in a clean corner, jumping into the cold box
when my hoomin opens the door, and knocking the phone box off the shelf
when my hooming gets on the phone.  I can also get in and out of the
toilet bowl when some new volunteer leave it open.  Would be fun to have
someone brave enough to help open the kitchen cabiniets so I can climb in
and take a nap with them in the pot holder drawer.  Or take all the pot
holders and hid them in the water pan in the tub.  My brother Titus is
also deaf, and our hooman says he is ADD.  HE cannot remember what his
is doing from one minuet to the other so no fun getting into things with
him.  He forgets what we are doing and just walks away.  Or jumps my butt
and tries to twirl me.  I love him, but he can be a pain.  I do love
music.  I can feel the vibrations when it is loud.  My hoomin dances with
me in her hands.  I love being upside down as I can feel things much
On Miss Cassie.  I wrote her a letter and set her straight.  My hoomin
taught me to be a lady at all times.  And her threat to use her anal
sacks.  My brother Titus can clean a room in two seconds.  So he can out
poof her any time.  She does seem to have an issue with commitments and
territory.  Not sure who she wants.  Poor girl.  I have a Ferritude and
know what I want and when I want it.  Sorry to hear about your first
home.  Being in the rescue den I hear lots of stories about ferrets being
dumped by hoomins.  I was lucky as my hoomin took me from the pet store
and brought me home.  I still feel kind of bad cause I bit right through
her thumb nail to the bone the first time she picked me up.  I was only
six or seven weeks old and so scared so I would bite anyone that put
their hands near me.  It took me over a month before I would trust her
and not bite her.  Of course she belongs to me.  Boy the fist time she
put the back of my head to her neck and started to talk softly to me.
I just relaxed and knew I had someone that would love me forever.  Of
course my first sign was no bite.  Took me over three days to get that
one.  Now I put my front feet on her foot and hiss gently at her.  She
just scoops me up and loves me all over.  Of course if she does not pick
me up right away I just hiss "piss off and dig on her foot.  Then I bite
her when she puts her hand down to pick me up.  I use to draw blood, but
now I just give a gentle nip to let her know I can.  We are both
fortunate to have good homes now.  The hoomin that did that to you should
be put in a small cage and left in a room with no light or food.  Or put
the cage in the corner so we could poop all over him.  Or let Cassie and
Titus poof all over him.
Oh do you like to spin?  Deaf ferrets love to spin as they can see things
faster and it sure is fun.  My hoomin taught me how to spin three times
and then sit up pretty.  I get good treats for that.  Do you know any
tricks?  Titus just spins for the fun of it.
Beer nuts Huh!.  I prefer meat myself.  Joshua and Titus came from a
private breeder and they were introduced to meat real young.  Then I
came along so I love it too.  I would be very happy to share my duck
soup with you and Puma too..  But I would pass on the beer nuts.  I have
passed a few nasty hair balls when Joshua and Titus went through their
heavy spring shed.  Not the best days.  Beer nuts ow!.  I bet you scared
the poop out of your hoomin.  Mine panics when I get a piece of food
caught up my nose and I sneeze myself silly.
I asked my hoomin whats a tractor?  She showed me a picture.  Looks like
it would be lots of fun.  I love to travel and see new things.  I would
bring my own sleep sack to put on the seat.  I also have a wonderful
travel bag with all kinds of goodies.  I have everything a ferret needs
when they leave their den.  I have it all packed for Ferret Aid in
Canada.  Are you and Puma going with your hoomin?  It sure sounds like
fun.  Maybe Puma could model with me.
Time to go play with my hoomin.  I think I will let her twirl my butt
tonight.  She worked all day and needs some laughter.
Leah the dudette with a ferritude.
[Posted in FML issue 5233]