Master Largo News
Reporter Andy
Cub Reporter Possum
Ziggy Reporter Of A Higher Order
May 2006 News
Andy Here: Hey everybody April is over!  Wow that went fast!  Just a few
more weeks and it will be clinic weekend.
Possum Here: Andy... Hey Andy do we have to do the news every different
month?  I mean we just got done doing it and now we are doing it again.
Andy Here: Yup yup yup and if you do not want to, that is just fine by
me!  I can do this news all by myself!!
Possum Here: Sigh, boo hoo.  You don't want me to help with the news?  I
want to, I am just asking,.  I thought you were going to teach me how.
How am I going to learn if I don'ts ask questions?
Andy Here: Okay!  I get it... Now before you get me in trouble with mum
and possibly that Ziggy girl up on Rainbow Bridge quit your sulking.
You Brat!  Let's get going with the news, I get to start I am the senior
Mum says dumping season has started, she has had 4 families, and 10
ferrets that humans wanted to bring to mum.  Mum is helping them find a
home without coming here.  2 of the ferrets in Webster got to go live
with Christina and Ben in Greece this weekend.  Christina and Ben has
been coming to our shelter to learn about us ferrets so when this human
called mum to take her ferrets, mum asked Ben and Christina if they
wanted to take them in.  They did; so our 2 new cousins are now living
in Greece New York.  Thanks Ben and Christina for helpen mum out!  The
one human that has 5 fur kids that needed a new 4-ever home, lives in
NYC so mum put her in touch with some humans down her way.  The other 3,
the humans did not want to respond to mum, after mum told them what they
needed to do to surrender their ferrets so we don't know what has
happened to them.  Mum is sad but tells us all the time she can not save
the world, even though she tries sometimes.
Possum Here: My turn!!!!  Mum had a 10 day vacation from the big yellow
thingy she drives,; so she spended time with us at home.  One day though
she was going to Canandaigua to get her hairs fixed and our van broked.
It made a big bang!  The fix it man said It was the transmission and it
was all broken in pieces.  So mum's van has been in the fix it place
since April 17th.
Monty man needed meds and mum could not get to Brockport to get them, so
Miss Becky went to our favorite doc's to get him some for us.  Thanks
miss Becky.  Mum got lots of people that said they would help so thanks
everyone for the offer!
Miss Cathy came to help mum on Good Friday, she mixed up lots and lots of
food for us.  Thanks miss Cathy.  Miss Cathy brought Nicky and Billy with
Jack to see mum.  Nicky and Billy came from here.  Then Miss Donna camed
to help mum too one day, Miss Donna plays with us and laughs lots when
she is here.  We like to hear her laugh.  The week mum had off mum did
some painting.  Fred's far away mom came to help mum put up a new barrier
between the library and the ferret room.  Taz learned how to knock the
old one down, so now the new one is not going anywhere, only our Taz can
still get over it!  L Mum says she is ready to give up on that boy!  Mum
has been painting that, and some walls in the play room.
The Talledo girls have been here for 2 weeks at camp they are home now.
Thiel kids are here now.  Mum is excited to see Mina and Ollie again,
they camed from here, and now there are 2 more Thiel kids.  The 2 new fur
kids are Katrina kids, famous cause Miss Susan saved them from certain
death!  So mum is going to get to take care of Cocoa and Josie too now..
Oh oh, I gots mail last month telling me that more than my mum eats that
bird food "puffed millet".  Miss Ronnie eats it too!  Miss Ronnie do you
chirp like mum does?  Phew at least I now know that mum is not going to
turn into a bird even if she does chip now and then.
Andy Here: Okay possum my turn.  Well mum has her E.I.N. number she is
one step closer to getting her 501(c) 3 status.  It is lots of work and
really really hard but mum says she will keep working at it.
Don't forget June 3, is just around the corner!  Clinic day; so if you
want to come let mum know to send you a registration form.  YOU NEED to
fill out a form so our favorite Doc and Aunt Mary knows how much stuffs
to bring for us fur kids, you know them hurt sticks and all?  Mum says
she put a request in her God Box that it not be as hot as it was last
No phone registrations will be accepted.
Possum: Okay it is my turn to say some stuff again Andy.  If you guys
want to save us cans and bottles mum says that is okay because the golf
coarse is not going to let us have them again this summer!  So NO more
cans coming every day to help with our favorite doc's bill.  Also does
anyone out there have any ball budgies?  We need ball budgies for our
canopy for our play yard, if you do and we can use them, will you let
our mum know, other wise mum will have to buy some someplace.  We has to
have the canopy up because the hawks like to watch us play out in our
play yard, so this way we can stay a little bit hided.  Mum watches the
sky to make sure they are not watching us too close.
Andy Here: Holy weasel war dance!!!  We have a bathroom sink that mum can
use again!  Mr. John; Kristie's husband is a water pipe fix it man, he
camed and fixed mum's bathroom sink and showed mum how to replace the the
RO filters!  Now we have water in the upstairs sink again!!!  Mum has
been messing with that drain for months, then Miss Kristie tried to help
mum to fix it last weekend, Nope!  Nope!  Nope!  Even 2 of them could not
fix it.  So Miss Kristie tolds Mr. John and he had it fixed in minutes.
Mum says it is nice to have a 2 legged furless men around the house as
long as they belongs to someone else and goes home.  Thank you Mr. John
for fixing mums sink, thank you Miss Kristie for telling Mr. John about
the sink.  We have some very very important information.  The town of
Naples has decided that mum has had the wrong number on our house for 14
years so now we have a new number so please change the physical address
number to 7835 same road just a new number.  We still have the PO Box
so please use that if you are mailing things to us.  Are road is still
closed but you can get to us just going by the road closed sign.  Okay
we need to go.  The clinic will be here BEFORE the next news letter so
please if you are coming let mum know.
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Cub-Reporter in Training Possum
Ziggy; from Rainbow Bridge with an unending supply of cheweasels in
heaven.  They grow on trees and drop like apples...
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
IGive Fund Raiser for Lakeroad Ferret Farm
Lakeroad Ferret Farm KwickBid Store
Don't have time for a ferret of your own?  You can sponsor one of our fur
kids.  There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids looking
for new homes.
Andy-cub reporter, shelter kids, & oh yeah mum too!
Petfinder Page
Shelter Video
[Posted in FML issue 5232]