Ok - so Dr. Seuss, I am not.  Hey John - regarding the brushing of the
ferts.  I have never had the occasion to "brush" mine, save one time.
My fuzzies all have some pretty gorgeous coats, and do alot of their own
"brushing" - thereby eliminating that chore for me.  However, the one
time I did do this - I used a medium toothed comb.  Have you tried to get
a brush that is rubber tipped - with bigger "bristles"?  I know that one
of my fuzzbutts is so ticklish, that he goes into hysterical laughing
fits, when anything touches his body, besides me - or another ferret.
The comb trick worked on him.  Hope this helps!!
Kim And Her Fuzzy Army of Albuquerque Idiots
Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what I
[Posted in FML issue 5217]