> <[log in to unmask]> Subject: Mesosilver for sick ferrets
>stopped losing anymore of her hair.  I still give it to her everyday .
>The company says that this is safe for animals and people use it for
>their pets.
>The web site is www.purestcollids.com
I've used colloidal silver, too, with good results ..  but I must say ..
I only did it with the blessing of my vet, and at the dosages the vet
suggested ... I wouldn't recomment using it in place of vet treatment.  I
realize you are in California and it's "risky" ..  but still .... it's
not something I'd personally be comfortable doing.
Also, colloidal silver doesn't have any particular "magical" properties
 ... silver is antibacterial, so it can help with antibacterial
infections.  (I had one ferret with helicobacter problems who did better
with colloidal silver than with veterinarian-prescribed helicobacter
treatments, to which his strain of helicobacter seemed to be resistant
I'm glad your ferret is better ... but since it seemed to be adrenal
disease, and that is NOT a bacterial problem ..  I don't really see how
an antibacterial product like colloidal silver could help.  Maybe it
was a skin disease and the colloidal silver helped to kill the skin
- Ela
[Posted in FML issue 5216]