Stephenie wrote:
>All these ferrets are under strict control from Dr Hanneke Moorman and
>Dr Nico Schoemaker.  Hopefully in about 10 years, we can tell you what
>is best, kibble, raw food or natural diet.  And if the implants will
>stop adrenal tumors, until then, please let everyone feed what he or she
>thinks is best for his or her ferret.  We have put our ferrets in the
>position that they are more or less guinea pigs so that we can help to
>find out what is best, but only time and good research will tell.
I really wish that it could be that simple.
In this experiment, the sample number is not large enough, the ferrets
need to have the same genetic makeup and be kept in identical conditions
to each other and there needs to be a control group against which to
measure any differences in the results.
This is why I hold by beliefs so strongly.  Over the years, and being in
a fairly unique situation of dealing with many ferrets and their owners
while concentrating on health issues, I have witnessed *trends* rather
than isolated cases.
While I consider that diet is of major importance to a ferrets
well-being, I also believe that one of the most overlooked factors, that
is in our control in a ferret's life, is the amount of caging it has to
endure as opposed to it's ability to self-govern its exposure to natural
daylight and weather conditions against times of retreat into complete
solitude and darkness.
Just a little more food for thought.
[Posted in FML issue 5213]