The Great Oracle writes:
>But what prize shall we bestow on the Sukie for ever starting this
>nonsense?!  The Oracle and Charmer turn their attentions to the
>"innocent Sukie".  The Oracle leans over and says out of the corner of
>him mouth, "I'll take the raw chicken, you take the raisons." Suddenly
>the proud Sukie looks worried as the Charmer loads Tonks up with
>Raisons, then picks him up AK47 style, raises tail, and aims.  The
>Oracle bounds off the wagon wielding a raw chicken and ready's herself
>to slap the Sukie around with the meat
Mommy, What is the oracle talking about?
Beats me honey, just smile and shake your head at her.  She is on another
tear again.  You just never know with her.  Humor her darling.
Mommy, you need to wipe your nose.  Milk is coming out of it again.
Super Tonks
[Posted in FML issue 5212]