Here at the house of pandemonium the typical morning starts off my
letting my older three out of their cages, one just has to have some tone
to get her going the other two head for the treat plate which has some
Iam's kitten chow.  Then it is time to let the seven young ones out, some
head for the water dish some head for the treat plates and some come over
to the place they know the other treats are waiting just for them
Gaston stands straight up wanting his chew stick (no one else will touch
them) Rascal, Marshmallow, Big O, Elizabeth, Swiper want some bandits
about this time Sweet Pea is done with her tone and she also wants a
bandit, of course the other two see what is going on and here they come
they are Missy and Scooter.  Olive wants tone and then maybe she will
honor me by having a bandit and in the mean time Gaston is back wanting
a chew stick.
After all treats have been scarfed up then it is play time, nothing like
walking across the floor and have a couple of almost four pounders come
running across the rug and launch them selves onto your ankle.  Towel
ride any one, of course Big O (Oliver) loves towel rides and of course
when I start pulling him across the floor everyone wants to ride, how
many fur kids can you get on a towel?  All of them of course, and with
that many kids on the towel the Bulgarian death match (or so it would
seem) breaks out, there is dooking and dancing, wrestling and hissing,
and running around like one's tail is on fire, attack each other attack
old dad, run through the tubes, jump into the digging box and then in an
instant all is quiet because it is nap time once again.
A very hectic morning, each and every day but you know what I would not
have it any other way
Patrick and the crew
[Posted in FML issue 5212]