I apologize to anyone who was offended by my post.  That was certainly
not may intention.
My intention was primarily to make 2 points.  First, based on some
comments, it appeared that there were people who thought ferrets had,
through the evolutionary process, become accustomed to eating kibble.
Since I have always thought of them as eating kibble, it was not an
entirely odd assumption to me, but when I thought about it more, I
realized it was unlikely.  I had no idea when kibble was first available,
and so I started researching.  While the PFI site did not address ferret
food, I was able to get information on dog and cat food.  I think it is
likely safe to assume that ferret kibble does not predate dog kibble.
I simply thought people might be interested in the information as well.
The fact is, kibble is a fairly recent development in the history of
animal domestication.  Commercial pet food has only been available in
the US for a little over 100 years.  And, the early foods that were made
were not in any way based on the nutritional needs of the animals they
were made for.  In fact, it has only been in the last 30 to 40 years at
most that nutritional value of pet food has been considered, and
improvements along that line have been made.
My second point was that in recent years, research has started to show
just how important diet and nutrition are to health.  The processed foods
that are so convenient are now being linked by some researchers to health
problems.  This is not to say that all researchers agree on the degree of
the problem.  But, there is some evidence, and it is worth thinking
Again, for the people who are interested in the food discussion/debate, I
would recommend that you consider attending Ferret Aid 2006 in Toronto.
There you will have a chance to hear several speakers on this subject
and also to ask them questions.  And, these speakers likely have very
differing opinions on what constitutes a proper ferret diet, and have
spent years researching the subject.  For any who need it, here is the
link for the Conference information.
I think we all want to feed our ferrets a nutritious diet.  I also think
we all realize the importance of good nutrition to our overall health.
The question is, what is the best and most nutritious diet for our
ferrets?  There will always be differing opinions on the answer.
In the years (about 10) I have been a member of the FML, it has always
been a place where people who care about ferrets can come together and
share information.  Some people share funny stories.  Some are more
interested in health issues.  Some people come to ask questions.  As
long as people remain civil, and do not make personal attacks, pretty
much anything goes.
I do not read all of every post, and I imagine there are many like me.
Just like the newspaper, I read the parts of interest to me, and skip
over the others.
Discussion, and yes debate, can be very good.  It is a way to present
information that not everyone may be aware of.  And, just because 2
people may disagree on an issue does not mean they are at war.  Most
adults can agree to disagree.  Some of the people who I might disagree
with on the FML are actually friends who I do respect.  No 2 people are
the same - we all have out individual thoughts and opinions, and the
right to express them.
Danee DeVore
International Ferret Congress Health Issues Coordinator
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[Posted in FML issue 5211]