Isn't it funny what we will tolerate in our homes, all in the name of
FERRETS??  :-)
Snowball is definitely the KING of this castle, that's for sure!  He can
soil the carpet over and over and/or throw up on it, scatter stuff
everywhere, sleep wherever he wants - no big deal to me really.
HOWEVER, when my neices and nephews come over - TOTALLY DIFFERENT
BALLGAME and my sister just doesn't "get it".  I make the "skin" kids
pick up after themselves (because they CAN, after all), I don't allow my
sister to leave diapers in the trash (eww, they STINK!), and the kids can
NOT eat while on the furniture (but there is ferret fur on it).  They
also have to take off their shoes while on the carpet (no, that one
doesn't make sense but it's MY house - LOL!)
My sister also finds it quite humorous and downright bizarre that she is
the one that has the baby in diapers and not me but I'm the only one of
us two that has baby food and Pedilyte in the cupboard and baby blankets
and a diaper pail (to deposit litter box pooh, of course) in the ferret
Whatever works, I say!
Jen and "The Snowman"  :-)
To view my newest web photo album of Snowball, go to:
[Posted in FML issue 5210]