I have a question for all ferret owners who are treating their ferrets
with Lupron for adrenal disease.
I have been giving Lupron to my ferret for about a year and he has
improved immensely.  I recently went to a different vet who has a
reputation for being ferret knowledgeable (my current one is OK but still
learning).  This new vet said Lupron should only be given for 3-4 months
and then stopped and restarted only if symptoms return.
My dilemma:
Well, this may be true, but if a ferret has adrenal disease, won't the
symptoms return if treatment is stopped?
I need your feedback for the following:
How many of you have had symptoms NOT return when Lupron was stopped?
For those with symptoms that DID return, how long after the shots were
stopped did they return?  Was they more or less severe?
is there anyone out there who just keeps giving Lupron without stopping?
Have you had any adverse effects from continuous treatment?
Thank you in advance for your feedback.
[Posted in FML issue 5208]