April 2006 News
Master Largo's News
Reporter Andy
Cub-Reporter in Training Possum
Ziggy Reporter of a higher order
Possum Here: Hey Andy!  What is up with mum?
Andy Here: I Don't know what you are talking about Possum.
Possum Here: Well mum usually is running around lots and lots like I do,
sometimes I can't keep away from her and she don't do that no more!
Andy Here: Oh that!  Well mum has been real real sick for about 4 weeks
so she is only doing what absolutely has to be done and chasing you isn't
one of those things.
Possum Here: Well okay being sick and not chasing me is one thing; but
she keeps making this funny sound like chirping, you know like a bird?
Andy Here: Oh that, well that is part my fault, part my far away mom's
fault and part mum's fault.  You see before you gots here to the shelter
mum developed this allergy to food.  So she has to be careful what she
eats.  She use to eat lots and lots of cereal but then when she got the
allergy she couldn't eat the cereal she use to.
Possum Here: Yeah but what does that have to do with her chirping like
a bird?
Andy Here: Well me and my far away mom found this cereal called puffed
millet, so we got mum some.  Mum loves it and can eat it without getting
sick, so now mum is back to eating cereal when she is real hungry, only
millet is really bird food so with all the puffed millet mum is eating
she is starting to chirp like a bird.
Possum Here: Is she going to grow feathers too?
Andy Here: Nah I don't think she eats that much of the puffed millet.
Hey Possum we need to stop wasting space on the news letter, we need to
tell some real news, I will start.  First off this is very important!!
April 9, 2006 is Adoptions days up in Henrietta, at Petco.  Mum, Miss
Donna, Miss Anna, Miss Kristie, Miss Christina and Mr. Ben are going to
be there for education and letting people know we are here to find 4-ever
homes.  So there is not going to be any shelter day Sunday April 9, 2006
everyone is going to be at Petco.  Miss Christina and Mr. Ben has been
coming to visit us to learn about us ferrets, they want to adopt somebody
so they want to learn all they can.  Miss Nichole went to Brockport and
got us our meds we needed, when she came with the meds she got to meet
the 2 new kids that are now living here with us.  Mum finally gaved them
names.  Jack and Jill is what she calls them.  Miss Donna has been coming
down to help mum cause she is sick so Miss Donna gets our play rooms
cleaned up.  Miss Kristie came to help too, she plays with us just like
Miss Donna does, and we love to have them come to play with us.
Possum Here: Hey Andy it is my turn to tell some news now!!!  Mum went
to a birthday party for Miss Pat, mum, Aunt Mary, Miss Deb, Miss Jill,
were all at the party to say happy happy birthday!!  It was a nice party.
Even Your Kaleigh was there.  Mum asked me to remind you that we do not
have long distance for our telephone so use our email address if you want
to talk with mum and you live far far away.  , also our road is closed
but you can still get to our house, you just need to keep coming past
the road closed sign.
Andy Here: Okay Possum we need to get this letter finished it is getting
too long!  Okay listen up everybody; keep this date open June 3, 2006
It is Clinic day.... Mum is starting to get goofy and crazy cause June 3
is just 6 weeks away, if you want to come to clinic send mum and email
she will send you the registration form for your fur kids.  If you do not
need to see our favorite Doc but you still want to come just let mum know
so she knows how many hot dogs to buy.  Can't wait to see you all again!
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Cub-Reporter in Training Possum
Ziggy; from Rainbow Bridge with an unending supply of cheweasels in
heaven.  They grow on trees and drop like apples...
International Ferret Congress Vendor Coordinator
IGive Fund Raiser for Lakeroad Ferret Farm
Lakeroad Ferret Farm KwickBid Store
Don't have time for a ferret of your own?  You can sponsor one of our
fur kids.
There are new faces at the shelter go take at look at kids looking for
new homes.
lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
Petfinder Page
Shelter Video
Shelter Mail
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[Posted in FML issue 5207]