Well, most of you probably read our "new issue" we have with sheltering.
Thank you Caryn for your undying support of the shelter and the love you
show the ferrets also.  This new policy put into place by our vet clinic
is not only going to effect us, but for sure 2 other shelters in our
area, Pennsylvania Ferret Club and Shelter and Diane's Last Chance Ferret
Rescue.  Our Shelters are overwhelmed right now with so many ferrets here
in Pa who need homes, and turning away ferrets is a very hard thing for
a shelter mother to do.  The compassion and "want to help them all"
attitude can be a very hard emotion to overcome when you get a call about
a ferret/ferrets who are going to be tossed out into the wild if one does
not take them.  So please, help our PA shelters get on their feet and
get the bills paid off so we can continue to get service from this vet
clinic.  This clinic has the most wonderful vet named Anna Edling.  Her
compassion for ferrets far exceeds any vet I have ever known.  Loosing
her is not an option right now.  So my bill and alot of other ferret
people's bills must be paid off.  I know Carol Krause posted out also.
This woman, although we may have our differences, has taken in many
ferrets who were overflows, so to speak, from Diane's shelter.  She also
relys on ebay to help pay off her vet bills.  So while she is not a
"rescue" she does open her home to ferrets who have no place to turn.
Many of Anna's paients are people like Carol K.
We are running a raffle for some great prizes.  I don't like to just out
and out ask for money.  That is not in my make up.  I have been taught
from little on up to work for my money and work for things.  Things are
not just handed to you.  So we have put together (and are still adding
prizes) a Spring Save Our Shelter Raffle.  Proceeds will be put directly
onto our shelter account at Horsham Vet Clinic in Phila.
We don't want to go under and close.  We see a need for our shelter.  I
get calls on a weekly basis for ferrets who need homes.  The surrounding
states are full also.  I can't even refer these people to anyone.  Some
of you saw the post from the NJ shelter, they are full and have huge
medical bills.  They need fundraising ideas also.  As shelters, we rely
heavily on community support, whether it be a 501c3 shelter or a private
family run shelter.  This year we have lost many good shelters in this
wonderful fuzzy loving community.  Please consider buying a ticket,
helping a local shelter, volunteering your time, or helping a Pa Shelter
pay off their medical bills.  Thank you Everyone again.  Today we had
some much needed Ebay sales.  I was able to call the vet and make a nice
payment on my huge bill.
Thank you Everyone!
Marguerite From TinyPrints Ferret Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue PetFinder Web Page
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Store
Aloha Ferrets Ebay Store
[Posted in FML issue 5206]